Daily Media Summary (11-09-2020)






The Bureau of Press and Public Affairs on Monday, November 09, 2020 subscribed to The Inquirer, Independent Inquirer, Hot Pepper, The Daily Observer, the Express and The News newspapers, and highlighted headlines/ stories from the front, back and inside pages of these local dallies.

Today’s summary captures stories about how President Weah Congratulates U.S. President –Elect Biden, Says Liberia Ready to Strengthen and Rekindle Historic Bilateral Ties with the United States; the election by the United States of its First Female Vice President as Joe Biden Wins Donald Trump in recent presidential race in the US; President Weah Renewal of an Anti-Corruption Fight and the provision  by FAO of  US$99,745 to Strengthen Communities on forest benefits, amongst other stories..


President Weah Congratulates U.S. President –Elect Biden, Says Liberia Ready to Strengthen and Rekindle Historic Bilateral Ties with the United States

The President of the Republic, H. E. George Manneh Weah, has congratulated U.S. President-elect Joe Biden following his victory in that county’s recent President election. Before his historic win, Biden previously served as Vice President under former President Barack Obama. The Liberian leader also congratulated Senator Kamala Harris, who was elected as the first female and black Vice President of the United States. He said Vice President –Elect Harris’ elect will serve as an inspiration to all women and people of color that they can become to be whatever they aspire to with determination, commitment and hard work. President Weah said the American President-elect was assuming the leadership of the United States at very challenging time, when the world is face with a global health crisis, asserts the Hot Pepper newspaper. Related Caption: President Weah Congratulates U.S. President Elect Joe Biden Aims To Strengthen Historic Bilateral Ties (Express newspaper)‘Liberia ready to Strengthen, Rekindle Historic Bilateral Ties with United States’ President Weah (Daily Observer), President Weah Hails Biden For Historic Victory (The News).

US Elects First Female vice President As Joe Biden Wins Donald Trump

The Democrat Party’s projected Vice-President Kamala Harris is now poised become the first Asian American Vice-President elect in the history of the United States of America (USA). She was projected as the US first ever black and Asian American Vice-president by various international media outlets after her Democrat Party overtook the Republican Pennsylvania and other Electoral Collage thereby accumulating 270 needed to win to Republican 214 win the Party nomination for Presidency, of which she launched a potent attack on Joe Biden over the race during a debate with votes still being counted in four other states. According to the Inquirer newspaper, Kamala Harris, prior to her selection by the President elect, Joe Biden as his running mate on the ticket of the Democrat Party: Mrs. Harris was as senator from California, as she also contested the Democrat primary hoping to win the Party nomination for presidency, of which she launched a potent attack on Joe Biden over the race during a debate. Related Caption: Joe Biden Wins US Presidency (Independent Inquirer newspaper)


President Weah Renews Anti-Corruption Fight                                                                                       

President George Manneh Weah, has reiterated his commitment to fight corruption as vigorously as possible in order to meet the growing hopes and aspiration of Liberian for socioeconomic transformation. The Liberian Leader gave the assurance on Friday, November 6, 2020, when integrity institutions in the country presented him the final dossier derived from the National Anti-Corruption Conference held recently. The resolution contains recommendations strategies and methods to combat corruption in the Liberian Public sector. “I pledged my unflinching and unwavering support to you in the fight against corruption,” President Weah asserted as he received the document. “I have no doubt that this document represents the will of the people and it will be implemented to the fullest, pens the Inquirer newspaper. Related Caption:  ‘Roadmap For Corruption Fight Out’ President Weah Vows Full Implementation (The News), President Weah renews Anti-Corruption Fight As Integrity Institutions Present Fresh Strategy (Independent Inquirer)


Nyenpan Family Indignant At Smear Campaign                                                                                                           The family of the late Senator Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan has observed with disgust and utter indignation attempts by some individuals and online publications to smear the memories of their beloved son, brother and father by attributing his cause of death to factors that are far remove from the truth. “The untimely passing of Senator Nyenpan is a national tragedy that cannot allow to be used by anyone to achieve his/her own parochial interest or objectives, ‘’the family said in a press statement. The family also wants to make it categorically clear that at no time has any of its member spoke with or communicated with any media institution or other individuals about the circumstances leading to the passing of Senator Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan, the Hot Pepper newspaper writes. Related Caption‘Allow Us Lay Our Hero to Rest in Peace’ Deceased Public works Minister Mobutu Nyenpan’s family speaks out against reports that he died of poisoning (Daily Observer), ‘BLATANT FALSEHOODS’ Mobutu Nyenpan’s Family Speaks (The News), Mobutu Nyenpan’s Family Warns Public Against Conspiracy Theories Surrounding His Death (Independent Inquirer) 

CEMSP Holds Community Media Forums On 2020 Referendum


The Center for Media Studies and Peacebuilding (CEMESP) and its partners has concluded two community media forums on the pending 2020 National Referendum in Montserrado County, a release has disclosed. Sponsored by United Sates Agency for International Development Program which is implemented by InterNews Liberia, the community Media Forums seek to enhance awareness raising through community based dialogue. The first of the forums was held Tuesday 3rd, of November 2020 in Borough of News Kru Town which represents the Lower Montserrado area with the second held in the City of Careysburg on Wednesday November 4, 2020. Officially declaring the forum opened in New Kru Town, Tuesday, Center for Media Studies and Peacebuilding Executive Director Malcolm Joseph said the idea for holding community media forums on the scheduled referendum is an outcome of a key citizens electoral reform agenda generated during CLEAR implementation and the ECC projects which are included in the pending referendum slated for December 8, 2020, attest the News newspaper. Related CaptionCEMESP Holds Community Media Forums On 2020 Referendum (Independent Inquirer newspaper)


Minister Kemayah, Strikes Good Deals with Morocco As He Signed Three Bilateral Agreements


The Government of the Republic of Liberia and the Kingdom of Morocco has signed three separate bilateral agreements in the fields of Agriculture, Higher Education and Research as well as Health. The first official travels of His Excellency Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr. as Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Kingdom of Morocco following an official invitation from Morocco where he consummated agreements that opened new fields in agriculture, health and education as well as increased in the numbers of scholarship opportunities for Liberians. According to the Foreign Ministry release issued in Monrovia, the agreements were signed in Rabat, the Kingdom of Morocco, where Liberia’s Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell Saah  Kemayah, Sir. Traveled for the purpose of holding talks aimed at consolidating relations between the two states, assert the Hot Pepper newspaper.


MoA release Planting Guides For Rice, Cassava And Cocoa                                                                                       The Ministry of Agriculture has released planting guides for rice, cassava and cocoa production in Liberia. According to Minister Jeanine Cooper, the Institution is working through its Management Program Unit (PMU) and has upload vital planting information developed and produced by donor funded project between 2013-2019 was intended to educate farmers and the public on the planting of vital food and tree crops across the country, pens the Express newspaper.

UL President Calls for Stronger Partnership in fight Against SGBV                                                                                   The President of the University of Liberia (UL) Dr. Julius S. Nelson has reaffirmed the university’s commitment to support and mainstream gender issues and build upon the current partnership between the university and the Liberia Sexual Gender-Based Violence Awareness Movement (LIBSGBV). Dr. Nelson made the commitment recently when he spoke at a newly launched Awareness Movement (LIBSGBV) on the UL Capitol Hill campus urging the newly launched LIBGBV to maintain and build upon the current partnership between the two institutions. He disclosed that UL family will continue to ensure that it’s Honor College for Interdisciplinary studies gender issues, the Daily Observer newspaper says.

FAO Provides US$99,745 to Strengthen Communities on forest Benefits                                                                                The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has signed a partnership agreement worth US$ 99,745 with the National Union of Community Forest Development Committee (NUCFDC) to strengthen the capacity of forest communities of effectively monitor the benefits from commercial logging in the country. According to the Daily Observer newspaper, the agreement is under the framework of the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) signed by the Government of Liberia (GOL) and the European Union (EU) since 2009. VPA is a legally binding bilateral trade agreement between the Eu and timber-producing countries outside the EU, such as Liberia.

BNB Launches new Remittance Service for Liberia                                                                                                            BNB a licensed fintech ( financial technology) company that specializes in remittances, has officially launched a new online money transfer service that aims to revolutionize the way people send money home to friends and relatives in Africa including Liberia. People using the servicen can send money either through its network of agents or directly to the mobile phone accounts of the recipients. The Financial Technology Company, which is head quartered in Canada, says it is determined to extend its operations to all African countries, with Liberia now joining Sierra Leone and Guinea as a third subsidiary. This new fintect company will support the Central bank of Liberia’s vision of financial inclusion,” BNB said in a statement, the Daily Observer newspaper writes.

Ganta Methodist Hospital Receives Clinical Materials                                                                                                      The Ganta Development Association (GDA) a developmental organization based in Minesota, United States of American, has identified with Ganta Methodist Hospital in Ganta, Nimba County with some clinical materials to help strengthen health care delivery. According to the Daily Observer newspaper, the clinical materials worth US$50,000 according to the chairman of the GDA Mark Domah, include surgical masks, gloves, beds, among others. Domah told the Daily Observer that the gesture is his organization way of giving back to the community. According to him, member of the organization are all Liberian citizens who are thinking about how they can buttress the effort of the government in undertaking development back home.

299, 969 New Voters Registered NEC Boss Discloses

The Chairperson of the National Elections Commission (NEC) Davidetta Brown Lasanah Chirperson has announced the conclusion of the 2020 Voter Roll Update exercise. Shae said during the update exercise, 299, 969 new registrants were captured nationwide. According to the News newspaper, of this number, she said 118, 923 constituting 39. 6 percent, are females, while 181, 046 constituting 60.4 percent, are males.  But she was quick to add that these numbers are provisional and they are likely to change due to the ongoing Voter roll cleaning exercise. Prior to the VRU exercise, she said NEC Data Center has done a lot of work in furtherance of clearing 2017 voters roll and the total number registered Voters at the beginning of the VRC exercise stood at 2, 183, 3810. However, she said with the inclusion of the additional 299, 969 new registrants, the total number of registered voters stands at 2,483, 350. Meanwhile, the NEC boss disclosed that the exhibition of the voters roll was concluded on October 31, 2020 as scheduled and results from that exercise are being processed by the Data Center.


LACE To Reforbish Kendejah School

President George Manneh Weah, has frowned on the deplorable condition of the Kendejah Community Public School and instructed the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) to immediately renovate it. President Weah who visited the school’s campus on Friday, November 6, 2020 stressed that a conducive atmosphere for learning is a catalyst for academic excellence and intellectual growth for studies. He said the poor infrastructural condition of the school was a cry for decent environment that is germane to better performances by both teachers and studies. The Liberian Leader has asked LACE to complete the renovation of the school within 14 working days, ensuring that the damaged roof, ceiling and fallen fence be refurbished within the timeframe. He also ordered that the yard of the school be properly laid out and cast, the News newspaper writes.

Over 7000 Candidates Failed Entrance Exam

The long awaited results of the Entrance and Placement Exam administered by the University of Liberia is out with several persons failing the 2020 entrance exams. According to the Independent Inquirer newspaper, the UL entrance and placement exam results 11, 432 out of a total registered candidates of 12, 576 Undergraduate applicants show that a total of 3,287 (28.75%) candidates passed regularly, while 449 (3.93%) candidates passed provisionally when the scores were tabulated. According to the results from Center for Testing and Evaluation (CTE) of University of Liberia (UL), a total of 3, 736 (32. 68%) candidates are eligible for admission to the University of Liberia the next Academic Year. However, 7,696 (67.32%) candidates did not meet the University’s passing threshold and therefore were unsuccessful in the exam. Based on the results, the UL Faculty Senate on Tuesday, November 3, approved three categories that included Regular Pass, Unsuccessful to determine admission and non-admission to the UL.


Liberia Improves On Corruption Control On MCC Score Card

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) will publish its annual Scorecard on November 9. The MCC Scorecard assesses performance in three policy categories: Ruling Justly, Investing in People and Encouraging Economic Freedom.  For the Fiscal Year 2021 Scorecard, Liberia passed nine indicators and made significant improvements in several policy areas. 1. Liberia’s score improvement significantly in the Control of Corruption indicator (from 0.00 in 2020 to 0.12 in 2021). The MCC Scorecard shows the great progress the Government has made in its fight against corruption. 2. For the first time in the history of MCC Scorecard, Liberia passed the Rule of Law indicator. 3. Liberia passed the Gender in the Economy Indicator for the first time in 4 years, and since the methodology change to include more stringent requirements. The MCC has recognized the effects of the Liberian Government and noted its appreciation of Liberia’s improved standing on the scorecard applauded the work of the Government’s MCC Eligibility Team to strengthen the flow of data to scorecard indicator institutions, Independent Inquirer writes.