Daily Media Summary (06-06-2019)







Stories topping our today’s media summary include news of the planned protest and the call made by some Bomi County residents and Civil society organizations for planners of the impending June 7 Protest to abandon  their quests and seek dialogue with Government;  President Weah’s call for Public Offices to remain Opened for official business on June 7;  the move by Liberians to advocate for the passage of the Green Cards-Sweeping Bill in the U.S and the adjustment of the Status of Liberians on DED/TPS in the US by the United States House of Representatives as well as President George Weah’s congratulatory message to the Kingdom of Sweden on that country’s National & Flag Day observance.


Other stories captured in the summary also include but not limited to the call made to protesters by the European Union Mission for Peaceful protest in Liberia on June 7th and Monrovia City Mayor Koijee’s   warning issue to residents of Monrovia against dumping Garbage in the Streets as well as the request to the SOEs for Payment of Tax arrears and provide budget support amongst other news stories .





Liberians on DED on Path to Get Green Cards-Sweeping Bill Passed in the U.S. House to Adjust Status of Liberians on DED/TPS

According to the Daily Observer newspaper the United States House of Representatives has voted decisively to pass HR-6 seeking to grant Permanent Residency (Green Card) status to Liberians on Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) along with other nationals on Temporary Protected Status (TPS), including those on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a dispatch has said. According to the dispatch, the sweeping immigration bill, dubbed the H.R.6 – American Dream and Promise Act of 2019, was passed by a majority vote of 237 to 187 by all 230 Democrats along with seven Republicans. The bill is headed to the Republican-controlled Senate, where it is certain to face an uphill battle with a veto threat from the White House. Prior to the vote, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, hosted a high level delegation of the Liberian Community Association of the Washington DC Metro area (LCA) and assured them of his commitment to the passage of the legislation.


 Related Caption:U.S House Passes Bill to Green Cards to Liberians and other Immigrants on DED/TPS – Senate Yet to Decide (FrontPage Africa)



CDC Campaign Launch Postponed To June 22

 The Inquirer read:  The National Executive Committee (NEC) of ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), yesterday announced the postponement of the party’s June 8 campaign launch to June 22, 2019. Recently, CDC’s Chairperson Mulbah Morlu informed a news conference that his party was given the permission by the National Elections Commission to launch its political campaign for the by-elections vacancy on June 8, a day after the much-talked about planned June 7 protest and to close its campaign rally on June 29. Chairman Morlu asserted that the decision to reschedule the campaign launch from June 7 to June 22 was tantamount to an unenviably sustained disruption of business activities in central Monrovia and its commercial environs.


Related caption:Liberia: CDC Cancels Campaign Launch Date ( FrontPage Africa), CDC U-turns on by-elections Campaign (New Dawn) 


Over Environmental Pollution: EPA Sounds Strong Warning


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Liberia through its Deputy Executive Director has sounded strong warning against polluters of the environment. EPA is the Principle authority implementing the national environmental policy and sustainable management law for the protection of natural resources. Speaking Wednesday June 5, 2019 at this year’s World Environment Day (WED) Mr. Randall Dobayou II, said the agency conforms to the polluters pay principle, which mandates those who pollute the environment to bear the cost of managing it, the Heritagenewspaper reports.

RELATED CAPTION:Environmental Protection Agency Warns Against Burning, Burial Of Wastes(FrontPage Africa)

Liberia Applauds Sweden on National & Flag Day

President George Manneh Weah has, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, and in his own name, extended heartfelt congratulations to the Government and people of the Kingdom Sweden on the occasion commemorating the National and Flag Day of Sweden. In his message to His Majesty Carl XVI GUSTAF, President George Manneh Weah extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Swedish leader, and through him, to the Government and people of Sweden, as they celebrate this historic milestone. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah further noted that the relations between the two countries and peoples are burgeoning; emphasizing that Sweden remains one of Liberia’s outstanding development partners.The Liberian leader also stated “Sweden’s support to our development in critical areas such as women empowerment, man power development, agriculture and seed grants to young entrepreneurs by the Swedish government, etc are contributing immensely to the upward mobility of many Liberians”, Pens, the Heritage newspaper.


Related Caption: President Weah Applauds Sweden on National & Flag Day Observance(theINQUIRER)

President Weah Underscores Significance ….Of Rule of Law

The News newspaper reports that President Dr. George Manneh Weah has accentuated the importance of the rule of law in building a democratic and prosperous society. He said dispensing justice without fear or favor which is a key component of the rule of law is cardinal to sustainable peace and stability in any country  President Weah said adjudicating case truthfully not only appeases both the accused and victim, but also serves as a genuine catalyst for the growth of democracy in any society. The Liberian Leader made the assertions Tuesday, June 4, 2019, when he commissioned Cllr. Henry Nagbe, Debt Court Judge of Sinoe Country. He urged CLLr. Nagbe to be dutiful and diligent in the discharge of his duties, adding that justice for all is essential of Liberia’s nascent democracy, peace and stability. The newly commissioned Debt Court Judge thanked the President for his preferment and promised to live up to the ethics and and norms of the legal profession.

Related Caption:President Weah Underscores Significance of the Rule of Law As He Commissions Sinoe County Deputy Court Judge(the Heritage)


There Is No Fuel Shortage In Liberia-LPRC 

The Inquirer newspaper pans that the Management of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) wishes to inform the general public that there is sufficient quantity of fuel supply in the country to meet the domestic need.  The LPRC Management is working along with the Ministry of Commerce & Industry to avert any attempt by importers, distributors or retailers/filling stations to hoard petroleum products in order to create artificial shortage and a hike in the prices. The public is requested to report any importer, distributor or retailer selling petroleum products above the approved pump price of US$3.70 and US$3.30 for diesel and gasoline respectively or their Liberian dollars equivalent using the Center Bank of Liberia exchange rate, the paper explains.

Related Caption: No Shortage Of Petroleum Products…LPRC Discloses(the News newspaper)

3 CSOs Want Liberia’s Peace Sustained

The Daily Observer newspaper is reporting that the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) in partnership with the Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD) and NAYMOTE Partners for Democratic Development, have called on stakeholders, including the leadership of the Council of Patriots (CoP) and the government to sustain the peace by upholding the rule of law, human rights, and free movement of citizens during Friday’s “peaceful protest.” IREDD is represented by its executive director Harold Aidoo, while NAYMOTE is represented by its executive director, Eddie Jarwolo. The group made the call on Tuesday, June 5, 2019 in a joint statement on concerns about the peacefulness of the impending June 7, 2019 protest in Monrovia. CENTAL’s Executive Director, Anderson D. Miamen, said “collectively and with the support of development partners, Liberians suffered for the peace we currently enjoy. So, we must continue to jealously guide and protect, individually and collectively through our actions and deeds.


Related Caption: NCSNL Rejects June 7 Protest…Calls On Members To Stay Away(News newspaper)



President Weah Directs All Public Offices Remain Open for Business on June 7


President George Manneh Weah has ordered all Government Ministries and Agencies to remain open and functional to the public, including Friday, June 7. In a directive issued on Wednesday June 5, 2019, President Weah ordered that all public institutions open their doors to the public on all working days and throughout official working hours in order to do the Liberian people’s work without fail.  President Weah is quoted in the Heritage newspaper as saying “My office has made no declaration for 7, 2019 as public holiday; I therefore expect that government offices remain open and functional to the public as usual”


Mayor Koijee Warns Residents Against Dumping Garbage in the Streets

According to the Heritage newspaper, the City Mayor of Monrovia, Jefferson Tamba Koijee, has called on residents of the city to keep their waste at their residences to be collected by Community Based Enterprises and not to dump the trash in the street. Speaking at the Monrovia City Hall, Mayor Koijee said’ A mindset-change is what certain Liberians need when it comes to changing Liberia, citing waste management as one of the key areas to begin with.


LNP Stages Community Engagement Consultation Forum

As a way of fighting crime and violence in the country, the Liberia National Police has convened a national stakeholder community policing engagement consultation forum at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Stadium (SKD). The non-violent campaign brought together participants from17 electoral District of Montserrado County, including government officials, civil society organizations and international partners. Pens the Heritage newspaper.


President George Weah Commissions New Deputy Police Director for Operations

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Liberian President, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, has commissioned the newly appointed Director for Operations of the Liberia National Police, Col. Marvin Sarkor. Performing the Commissioning ceremony Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at his Foreign Ministry Office, President Weah charged Col. Sarkor to execute his duties with the highest degree of diligence, sensitivity and commitment. The Liberian Leader also expressed hope in Col. Sarkor’s ability to perform in the interest of the nation and people. President Weah said Col. Sarkor’s preferment is as a result of his experience, understanding and long service in the security sector, noting that “Liberia needs your best. “In response, the commissioned Deputy Police Director for Operations thanked the Liberian Leader for the confidence reposed in him to serve his country and people at this critical juncture of national existence. He assured the President that he would do everything within his powers to serve with outmost commitment and diligence.


European Union Mission Calls for Peaceful June 7 Protest in Liberia

The European Union Mission in Liberia has cautioned organizers of the impending June 7 protest to “ensure that the protest unfolds peacefully” while emphasizing the significance of maintaining peace and stability in the country. In a Tuesday’s evening statement released in concert with the EU Heads of Mission in Monrovia, which includes France, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, and the UK, the Mission highlights how the West African nation has made progress since the end of its civil conflict in 2003. Frontpage Africa reports.



Gov’t Joins Venture with American Companies to Provide 1.5m Liberians Pipe-borne Water

The FrontPage Africa reports that About 1.5 million Liberians are expected to receive a sustainable supply of clean and safe drinking water, thanks to a joint venture between the Government of Liberia and two American companies: American Venture Group, LLC and Quest Water Solutions, Inc. The MOU for the collaboration to establish a joint venture in Liberia was signed by the Managing Director of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC), Duannah Kamara, representing the Government of Liberia and Richard Hoffman, Chief Executive Officer of American Venture Group representing the two companies.


Liberia: House of Representatives Passes Votes of No Confidence in APM Terminals Manager George Adjei

The FrontPage Africa reports that, A motion calling for the dismissal and deportation of the General Manager of APM Terminals George Adjei has been placed on hold following a last-minute intervention by Representative Rustonlyn Suacoco Dennis of Montserrado County District #4. Mr. Adjei, Ghanaian, was summoned alongside the Managing Director of the National Port Authority, Bill Twehway by the House of Representatives on Tuesday, June 4 to state, among other things, why both managements continue to levy excessive charges on storage fees and why management of the port continue to levy fees for demurrage after an Executive Order has barred management from doing so. Demurrage is a fee charged for storage and overstayed goods at the port. But in his deliberations, NPA Managing Director, Twehway noted that demurrage is not being collected by APM Terminals, rather by the shipping lines. He noted that it was through his intervention after he took over as Managing Director that President Weah issued a proclamation cancelling demurrage. He then vowed to investigate if demurrage is still being collected by the shipping lines at the port.



Bomi Citizens Disagree with June 7 Protest, Want Dialogue

A cross-section of Bomi citizens have disagreed with planners of a street protest on June 7,and have recommended dialogue with the Government to iron out the qualms they may have which is prompting going to the street. Speaking recently at one consultative Citizens meeting in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, organized by the Legislative caucus, and local authorities, the citizens said they are strongly against the impending protest, the Heritage newspaper report.


US Billionaire Investment Targets 1.5M Liberians

Authorities of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) and the American Venture Group (LLC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to provide sufficient, affordable and sustainable supply of clean and safe drinking water to 1.5 million Liberians. “The joint venture agreement will require the company to design, build, finance, install, own and operate 270 water purification systems in mainly rural communities throughout Liberia. Each unit will be powered by a mini solar system, and a phone charging outlets for community dwellers,” the MoU said. The signing ceremony was held on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at a resort in Monrovia, and witnessed by authorities of the LWSC, chief executive officer of AVG Richard Hoffman, and Rosemarie E. James, executive director of the Clar Hope Foundation. According to the agreement, the investment portfolio will require no financial contributions from LWSC or the Liberian government. The American Venture Group, LLC is owned by former National Basketball Association (NBA) star, Dikembe Mutombo. Duannah A. Kamara, LWSC’s managing director, who signed on behalf of the corporation, said the finalized MoU will provide sufficient supply of clean water to underprivileged Liberians. Kamara said the investors are desirous of supporting the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD), championed by President George Weah, pen Daily Observer newspaper.


SOEs Urged to Pay-up Tax Arrears, Budget Support

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) in collaboration with the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs, on Friday, May 31, 2019 hosted a meeting with State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) on “critical” issues concerning the SOEs. The meeting, which was held in the auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was chaired by MFDP Minister Samuel D. Tweah, and co-chaired by Nathanial F. McGill, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs with focus on SOEs tax arrears, budget support for the fiscal year 2018/2019, SOEs budget estimates for fiscal year 2019/2020, improving SOEs revenue performance, and SOEs reforms. Tweah stressed the need for SOEs to meet their tax obligation of US$9.27 million that is legitimately due the government, and the need for SOEs meeting their budget support obligation by the end of the fiscal year 2019. He applauded those SOEs who have met their budget support obligation, but encouraged them to do more in the wake of the government’s limited fiscal space. Mr. Tweah also called on SOEs on the adherence of the President’s mandate on SOEs salary harmonization and adjustment, which are to be deposited into the salary adjustment account at the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), and encouraged SOEs to abide by the President’s mandate and make the deposit of the savings that have already been applied to employees, the Daily Observer newspaper writes.


LACC, AACC on Sustainable peace, leadership

The All African Conference of Churches (AACC) a Kenyan faith-based organization in collaboration with the Liberia Council of Churches has embarked on three-day training under the theme: “workshop on sustainable peace and leadership development.” Speaking at the opening of the workshop on Tuesday, June 4, in Monrovia, the head of the AACC, Rev. Dr. Arnold Temple says Africa has come a long way, but the continent has lost its dignity disappointingly to bad politics, and national leaders have introduced exploitation in every sector of activities. He note that African leaders are deep into dictatorial and ethnicity form of leadership thereby, creating corridors for wars and conflict. Dr. Temple continues that despite the bad governance being experience by many African Countries, wars should remain something of the past, because they have never changed anything in the Continent, NewDawn newspaper says.


Peace Campaign intensifies in Margibi

According to the NewDawn newspaper a group of Liberians under the conglomeration, Community Peace Building and Development Listening Circle in partnership with the Liberia peace building office, Foundation of International Dignity and the Flomo Theater for Sustainable Peace embark on a nationwide tour Promoting peace messages. The coordinator of the Flomo Theater, Philip M. Johnson says, the peaceable engagements across Liberia is initiated by the Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS), with funding from SIDA, aimed at providing peace awareness to communities in all 15 counties. He reveals that the team has visited four counties, including Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount and Margibi, respectively with the plan to reach more counties before the June 7 protest, NewDawn newspaper asserts.  


Ex-Soldier ask COP to abandon protest

In the wake of the June 7 protest by the Council of Patriot (COP), disbanded soldiers of the Arm Forces of Liberia (AFL) are urging protesters to abandon their June 7 assembly. The former spokesperson of the disbanded AFL Soldiers Captain Jerry Kollie told the NewDawn newspaper in an exclusive enterview Wednesday, June 5 at his Redlight office that the call by the ex-soldiers in the interest of the safety of the country. The group observes that protest all around the world results to violence, “We the disbanded AFL soldiers want to condemn the COP, we strongly believe those people are not in the interest of the people are not in the interest of the people of this country,” ex AFL officers say. Speaking further, Captain Kollie urges members of the COP not to create chaos in the country through their planned protest that is expected to begin this Friday.


Hope for drug addicted people

The NewDawn newspaper is reporting that the Ministry of Health has signed an agreement with an international humanitarian organization, Oum el Nour, along with the Lebanese Community in Monrovia to establish rehabilitation program for drug-addicted people in Liberia. The MOU is expected to pave the way for cooperation in areas of mental health, rehabilitation of drug-addicted people, capacity building and agriculture. Liberia’s Minister of Health Doctor Wilhemina S. Jallah says, they have agreed to take up the initiative to strengthening cooperation in the health sector of the country. Doctor Jallah welcomes the program the program, which she notes will help take young and old addicts off the streets. “She describes signing of the MOU as a major step in helping to rehabilitate society”, Minister Jallah says. She discloses that Oum el Nouralready has an existing inpatients programs running in the country.


Chief Justice Korkpor Clarifies Land Disputes In Nimba

The Inquirer asserts that the Chief Justice, Francis Korkpor, has clarified that he is no party in the most talked about aged-old land disputes between the Gio, Mano and the Mandingoes ethnic group in Nimba Country. In the press conference with local journalists over the weekend in Ganta City, the chief Justice said residents are pointing accusing fingers at his but explained that he has no stake in the land disputes noting that the confusion between Mr. Fred Suah and the Mandingo people over land is an aged-old problem. “I am the Chief Justice of the Republic of Liberia, charged with the responsibility to interpret the law and therefore could form a part of land disputes across the country but not to take sides with anybody”, justice Koekpor told a team of local journalists.


2 Men Beaten By Poro Bush Members

According to the Inquirer, several members of the Poro Society in Gbehyi Guawin Town have been arrested for allegedly flogging two men accused of carrying out ritualistic acts in the Poro Society Bush in Nimba County. One of the men identified as Diggs Dorley, a post master and the other a motorcyclist, according to Radio Saclepea were arrested by some members of the Poro bush who accused them of being heart-man (Gboyo) but were saved by the Liberia National Police undergoing medical treatment at the Saclepea Comprehensive Health Center. Post Master Diggs told the police that the motorcyclist was talking him to Saclepea at night when one of the bike’s tire burst and in their attempt to go into the nearby town to ask for a mechanic, the residents of the town of the town accused them of being heart-man and took them to the poro bush where they judged, flogged and later left at the mercy of Land.


Govt. Agrees To Give NEC US$.5M…For By-Elections

The Chairman of the National Elections Commission (NEC) CLLr. Jerome Korkoya has disclosed that the Liberian Government has finally agreed to disburse the full amount of USD2.5 million for the pending by-elections in Montserrado County. However, he said the government has not paid any amount to begin the process. He warned that the pending June 2 Montserrado By-election will not take place if all election materials are not produced and brought in the country by June 30. The Ministry fo Finance and Development Planning had earlier stated that the government could not ditch out such ‘huge’ amount owing to the ‘stressed’ budget.  But following series of negotiations, the NEC boss noted that the Ministry of Finance agreed to give an initial amount of USD1.5 million but the delay has already affected the change in the preliminary election activities including replacement of lost and damaged voter cards. The News newspaper asserts.


‘We Can Achieve Much Together’…Weah Tells Muslims At Ramadan Ends

According to the News newspaper, Dr. George Manneh Weah has hailed Muslims, particularly Liberian Muslims, for successful end of their fast and prayer period, stressing the importance of unity and peace in the development of the country. President Weah commended Muslims in Liberia for remembering the country during the holy month, offering honest prayers for Liberia’s peace, prosperity and harmony. Hosting a delegation from the Muslims in Liberia community Tuesday, June 4 at the Cecil L. Dennis Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Liberian Leader noted that greater things beneficial to all Liberians are achievable with peace and security.